Tenro workshop at Mânoa Heritage Center

The next Tenro Workshop will be held December 9th

Sign up coming soon!

まずはじめに、Manoa Heritage Center (MHC)の神々様達と、このaina を創造し守り続けてこられたMr. Sam cooke and Mrs. Mary 並びに、守り続けてくださる多くの方達に真心から感謝致します。

First, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Sam Cooke and Mary and all the others who have taken care of the MHC and helped preserve our aina, which was created by the Gods. 



Tenro are dewdrops from heaven. When my cherished friends and family members are ill or when their very lives are threatened because they cannot swallow water, and when my daughter Lea could not nurse―at such times―dewdrops of life come to our hearts.  


When my mother passed away two years ago, so many of you had a feeling well up in your hearts that made you want to send your dewdrops to me. And I was able to accept them.  

MHC “生きた教室”にて、天露work shopを開く事に至りました全ての存在に真心から感謝致します。

I deeply appreciate the wonderful, heartfelt efforts everyone made to open the Tenro Workshop at our “Living Classroom” at the MHC.

Work shop にご参加希望される皆様には、MHC website に記載してある通りを拝読して頂き賛同頂けること。

For the Workshop participates, please visit the MHC website to register and indicate your support.


I will continue to make every effort in my studies to be able to make our meetings a wonderful experience for everyone.


Let's create a healthier mind and body together !!!

Mahalo nui loa 



I thank all of you,
